Parent’s area

Drop off and Pickup Routine

To ensure a smooth and safe experience for everyone, we have established specific procedures for dropping off and picking up your children.

Traffic Flow and Supervision
A paved U-shaped driveway enables convenient drop-off and pick-up. Please enter from the East and exit the driveway from on the West. Our staff closely supervises children during these times to ensure their safety. Adhering to the designated driving patterns will help reduce street congestion during peak hours. We kindly ask that you follow these procedures closely and avoid blocking neighbor’s driveways and mailboxes.

Park Entrance
For your convenience, there is an entrance from the East Park in West Point that you are welcome to use at any time. Please remember to secure the gate latch and locking pin when entering or exiting through this entrance.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our drop-off and pick-up process smooth and safe for all.

Snack and Refreshment Policy

We provide a nutritious snack and a drink for each child daily. In addition, we celebrate birthdays and host three special parties throughout the year, during which a variety of treats are provided.

To maintain the highest standards of hygiene, our automatic dishwasher ensures that all eating and drinking utensils are thoroughly washed and sterilized after each use.

If you have any questions or special requests regarding snacks, please feel free to reach out to us.

Staying Connected

We keep parents informed through a variety of channels to ensure you’re always up to date. You can expect regular updates via text messages, and traditional notes sent home with your child.

For any immediate concerns or inquiries, you can reach us at 801-825-2604. If you call during school hours expect to have a real person answer the phone, if you call when we are closed please leave us a voicemail. We check it each day before the school day begins and every evening after school.

In case of unexpected closures due to weather or emergencies, we’ll send out a text notification to keep you promptly informed.

We’re here to make sure you stay connected and informed throughout the year!

Play area

Our play area is a secure and fun space for the children, fully enclosed with a 6-foot-high chain-link fence to ensure safety.

Children can enjoy a variety of toys and equipment designed to make outdoor playtime engaging and enjoyable. During playtime, at least two teachers are always present to supervise and ensure a safe environment.

For added security, the main gate remains closed throughout the school day. Our play area is well-maintained, thanks to the efforts of Annice’s husband and a dedicated maintenance team.

We’re committed to providing a safe and stimulating space for your child to play and explore!